Hair Extension Aftercare

Thank you for choosing The Hair Lounge for your hair extension services. To ensure the longevity and beauty of your new hair extensions, please follow these aftercare instructions:

1. Washing:

   - Use sulfate-free and alcohol-free shampoos and conditioners.

   - Avoid applying conditioner directly to the roots or tape/adhesive area.

   - Gently wash your hair, avoiding aggressive scrubbing or rubbing.

   - Rinse thoroughly to remove all product residue. 

2. Drying:

   - Gently squeeze out excess water using a towel, but avoid rubbing or twisting the hair.

   - Allow the hair to air dry whenever possible to minimize heat damage.

   - If using a blow dryer, use a low heat setting and a heat protectant spray.

3. Brushing:

   - Use a wide-toothed comb or a soft bristle brush to detangle the hair gently.

   - Start from the ends and work your way up to avoid pulling on the extensions. 

4. Styling:

   - Use heat styling tools on a low or medium heat setting to prevent damage.

   - Apply a heat protectant spray before using curling irons, straighteners, or other hot tools.

5. Sleeping:

   - Tie your hair in a loose braid or ponytail to prevent tangling while sleeping.

   - Use a satin or silk pillowcase to reduce friction and minimize hair breakage.

6. Swimming:

   - Before swimming, thoroughly wet your hair with clean water to reduce chlorine or saltwater absorption.

   - Wear a swim cap to protect the extensions from harsh pool chemicals.

   - After swimming, rinse your hair with clean water and apply leave-in conditioner.

7. Maintenance Appointments:

   - Schedule regular maintenance appointments as recommended by your stylist.

   - Do not attempt to remove or reapply the extensions yourself.

8. Excessive handling:

It is crucial to maintaining the longevity and quality of your extensions. Frequent touching, pulling, or fidgeting with the extensions can cause damage, loosening, or tangling of the hair, leading to premature wear and tear. This will ensure your hair extensions will stay in optimal condition.